Sunday, January 24, 2010

'Deer Feeder' No More

We regularly have deer feeding from our bird feeder and I guess that Syd has been trying, for a long time, to figure out a solution to this issue. We have gone through about 100 pounds of bird seed since Christmas and I was sending the dogs out 2 or 3 times in an evening to chase away the deer. One night I was up at 1:30AM looking for a drink of water and saw 3 deer feeding away at the 'bird feeder'.

Anyway last week I called from work to say hi and Syd said that he was building a fence around the bird feeder to keep the deer away. I visioned a 'fence' around the whole thing. Well here is a picture of what he built. The birds have come back to the feeder and we haven't seen a deer since! I think it is brilliant! And the birds LOVE it. The only problem is that our cat Ollie will NOT like it this spring when he finds out that he can no longer get into the feeder himself....